Gardening is an awesome activity to teach your kids― and you’ll both enjoy the process! Here are 22 kids gardening quotes for a fun, nature-filled activity.
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Source: PublicDomainPictures (Pixabay)
We may sound like a broken record, but these times are terrible, horrible, no good, very bad times. We are all confined in our homes, doing the same thing, watching the same shows, and endlessly scrolling through our screens. It is making everyone stressed, tired, and depressed. Children are especially affected as these factors threaten the child’s growth and development.
One way we can reduce the impact this has is through gardening.
Gardening allows your kids to have some needed fun under the sun. They will definitely love it as the colors, and aromas will stimulate all their senses. It also helps them to learn about the nurture of plants, and how they grow. Spending time with them is a great bonus as well!
So here are quotes about kids growing up and about children and nature, as well as children in nature quotes. If you take no intertest in this quote, find more gardening quotes here.
6 Quotes About Kids Growing Up
Source: Gift Habeshaw (Unsplash)
#1 “Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.” ― Cindy Gerard
#2 “I am convinced that most people do not grow up…We marry and dare to have children and call that growing up. I think what we do is mostly grow old. We carry an accumulation of years in our bodies, and on our faces, but generally our real selves, the children inside, are innocent and shy as magnolias.” ― Maya Angelou
#3 “Sometimes the only way to get over the sadness of your kids growing up is to rest in the beauty of the people they are becoming.” ― Anonymous
#4 “Most people don’t grow up. Most people age. They find parking spaces, honor their credit cards, get married, have children, and call that maturity. What that is, is aging.” ― Maya Angelou
#5 “I wish I could freeze time or go back in time and watch my kids grow up all over again because it is just going by too fast.” ― Robert Rodriguez
#6 “Because children grow up, we think a child’s purpose is to grow up. But a child’s purpose is to be a child.” ― Tom Stappard
7 Children in Nature Quotes
Source: Dilawar Ali (Pixabay)
#1 “The best education does not happen at a desk, but rather engaged in everyday living ― hands-on, exploring, in an active relationship with life.” ― Vince Gowmon
#2 “Usually children spend more time in the garden than anybody else. It is where they learn about the world because they can be in it unsupervised, yet protected. Some gardeners will remember from their own earliest recollections that no one sees the garden as vividly. Cares about it as passionately, as the child who grows up in it.” ― Carol Williams
#3 “In every gardener is a child who loves to play in the dirt. In every child is a gardener ready to grow.” ― Anonymous
#4 “Children naturally live in the moment and they allow that moment to be what it is; magical and beautiful in every way.” ― April Peerless
#5 “Children learn best through their everyday experiences with the people they love and trust, and when the learning is fun. And the best place for these experiences is outdoors, in the natural world.” ― Center for Families, Communities, Schools and Children’s Learning.
#6 “Children get smashed for hours on some strictly limited aspect of the Great Big Everything, the Universe, such as water or snow or mud or colors or rocks.” ― Kurt Vonnegut
#7 “Keep your children wild ― don’t make them grow up too fast. Let them spend their days in the sunshine using their imagination. They are the change! Those wild children daydreaming in the sunshine will grow into grounded adults with minds and spirits capable of creating a better future.” ― Brooke Hampton
Besides inspiring quote, i thought you won’t want to miss the tools to decorate garden tub just as as most of the plant lovers.
9 Quotes About Children and Nature
Source: Allan Mas (Pexels)
Here are some inspirational children and nature quotes:
#1 “Why try to explain miracles to your kids when you can just have them plant a garden.” ― Robert Brault
#2 “Gardens and children need the same things ― patience, love and someone who will never give up on them.” ― Nicolette Sowder
#3 “Don’t just tell your children about the world, show them” ― Penny Whitehouse
#4 “Teaching children about the natural world should be treated as one of the most important events in their lives.” ― Thomas Berry
#5 “If you want a child’s mind to grow… you must first plant a seed.” ― Anonymous
#6 “If a child is to keep his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.” ― Rachel Carson
#7 “Every child is born a naturalist. His eyes are, by nature, open to the glories of the stars, the beauty of the flowers, and the mystery of life.” ― R. Search
#8 “There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again.” ― Elizabeth Lawrence
#9 “Plants and children. We nurture provide the best home and the most growth―nurturing care that we know and are capable of at the time. But in the end, they both are going to do what they need to do.”
― Helen Chesnut
Holding on. Did this gardening quote inspire you to diy a project for your garden? Take a look:
Wrapping It Up
Gardening is definitely something you and your kids can start taking up (if you haven’t already). It allows for interactive learning and education about the different plants in your garden. It’s also a great way to teach your kids, and learn about how they think and interact with things.
Here are our tips when gardening with kids:
- Let them be curious. They (or you as well) will probably be dirty at the end of it, but that’s okay!
- Plant easy-to-grow plants so they can see their progress every day.
We hope you enjoyed the list. Here are more gardening quotes compilations for your reading pleasure:
- 73 Rose Garden Quotes (Learn to Accept Your Imperfections)
- 55 Love for Plants Quotes to Amp up Your Plant Game
For more home and garden tips and ideas, visit Guy About Home today.