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Bathroom Cleaning Checklist: Essential Things You Should Learn

Bathroom Cleaning Checklist Essential Things You Should Learn

Bathroom Cleaning Checklist Essential Things You Should Learn

Toilet and Bathroom Cleaning ??? // Tesda Checklist

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For the most part, cleaning our bathroom can be a daunting task especially if we don’t know where to start. And that’s the very reason why a bathroom cleaning checklist is very important to have.

House maid cleaning a bathroom

Now, making a checklist is not actually that easy. In your checklist, you should know what’s the most priority to the least. By doing this, you’ll surely know how to execute the task.

If ever you don’t have ye any idea on where to start, or what to include in your checklist, then good for you because we’ll be sharing you an in-depth bathroom cleaning checklist that will surely make things hassle-free.

Ready? Then read on!

Bathroom Cleaning Checklist: Essential Things You Should Learn

Close up view of House cleaning colorful products and tools in white bucket on tiled floor in toilet

First things first; keep in mind that each of the tasks we’ll be tackling must be done at least once a week. You should do this if you don’t really want to make your cleaning a hassle.

Now, here are the things you should definitely include in your checklist:

These 9 things are essential if you really want to make your bathroom cleaning effective and worth of your time and. Let’s elaborate them one by one.

1.) Cleaning the Floors

The first task on your bathroom cleaning is to deal with the floors. Vacuum or sweep at least after a couple of days. You can also use a spray bottle and a rag to spray and wipe down the tiles.

Actually, using a spray and a rag to clean the tiles is the most basic and practical thing you can execute. In addition to that an average bathroom is not that big, so using a vacuum is not really necessary.

2.) Washing and Air-drying the Rugs

It might not be obvious, but rugs tend to accumulate dust and toiletry residues the most because of their fibers. And that’s why we highly suggest washing them with a washing machine.

But before immersing the rugs on the machine, make sure that they’re machine washable, and that’s a good thing because most of them are.

After washing the rugs, place them under the sun to air-dry them and preclude any unpleasant smell out of your lavatory.

3.) Cleaning the Baseboards

Baseboards are often overlooked by homeowners, and that’s why they’re one of the dirtiest places in a bathroom. Make sure to at least take the time to clean your baseboards every month so they don’t accumulate nasty grime.

Here are the steps for cleaning your baseboards:

Get a partner to aid you in moving away any furniture from the walls.

4.) Unclogging the Air Vents

Similar to baseboards, air vents are also often ignored. And since you tend to generate steam and sludge when you’re in the bathroom, air vents can get clogged and moldy quite fast.

To clean them, get a step ladder and climb up to their location while bringing a spray of detergent cleaner along with a screwdriver.

Then just follow the following steps:

5.) Cleaning the Wastebasket

Is it a garbage can, trash can, or wastebasket? Regardless of what they’re called, most of us know that they tend to smell so cleaning them is a must!

So how do you clean a wastebasket?

Here’s how:

6.) Cleaning and Disinfecting the Toilet

Though the toilet seems a little gross to clean, you shouldn’t wait until it gets a nasty ring of dirt around the bowl.

Even though cleaning the toilet is not really complicated, there are instances where you’ll get it wrong. So to preclude that, the right cleaning methods won’t only provide impressive results but will also saves energy and time.

That said, let’s start with the supplies:

And here are the cleaning Instructions:

1.)   First, get rid of stuff around your toilet to make things organized. You see, cleaning a toilet is somewhat a messy task, and there’s always the probability of splashing toilet water or cleaner outside the bowl.

Removing everything from around the bowl will preclude unnecessary cleanup.

2.)   The next thing you should do is flush the toilet while its lid is down. You do this to preclude splashing. After flushing, put your chosen cleaner to the bowl.

It’s a good idea to apply the toilet cleaner close to the bowl rim to preclude the cleaner from getting diluted.

3.)   The third step is to clean the exterior of the toilet bowl while you’re allowing the interior of the bowl to soak with the cleaning solution. Obviously, you must start from the top to the bottom in order to preclude dirtying on the already cleaned surfaces.

Spray the handle, edges, and the tank with the cleaning agent and wipe them down. Then clean the outside lid of the toilet bowl.

4.)   As for the fourth step, clean the toilet seat. This part of the bowl must never be overlooked since it’s the part that comes into actual contact with the user, so you should really clean it thoroughly.

To clean it, simply raise the seat, spray the rim, the seat, and the inside lid with the cleaner. You can use a disposable clean dry cloth as necessary.

5.)   In this step, you’re now going to clean the inside of the toilet bowl. Again, start cleaning from top to bottom. Start scrubbing under the toilet’s rim.

Then the interior, and lastly scrub the drain hole opening found at the bottom of the bowl.

6.)   For the last part, clean up drips of water or cleanser that presented, collect the trash and tools, and put back the items you removed around or on the toilet.

7.) Cleaning Out the Drawers

You should execute this task after your bathroom is all cleaned and organized. Again, remember that it’s not good to do the floors first because certain debris and dirt would most likely end up when cleaning out the drawers.

The main takeaway here is that when you keep your stuff organized, you’ll end up cleaning the drawers just once and therefore less-hassle. Also, if you’re looking to make things more convenient and accessible then acquiring an expandable drawer organizer.

8.)  Polishing the Mirror

If you’re getting annoyed gazing to your bathroom mirror because of streaky reflection of yourself, then you should really considering polishing your mirror. This task is actually simple. We have 3 options here, and pick whatever you prefer:

Polish the mirror even more with a paper towel, chamois, or a lint-free cloth. Now if you don’t have any ammonia, vinegar is a good alternative.

Just spray directly on your mirror. Use a dry paper towel, chamois, or a lint-free cloth as the finishing.

9.) Cleaning the Shower and the Tub

Most likely, the first and normally the hardest spot to deal is the shower or bathtub. Grout and tile can immediately become a daunting task when left unattended for more than a couple of days. If you are dealing with plenty of tough water stains, damaged grout, or mold then you can try some proven tips found here.

In addition, you can also follow these steps to keep your shower and tub clean:

Use this solution for heavier cleaning chore with a sponge once or two per week. You can also use it for your shower daily.


Housework and blonde domestic lifestyle woman doing chores in bathroom at home, cleaning wash basin and tap with spray detergent

Well, that sums up our checklist. Always keep in mind that bathrooms are probably the most important space in everyone’s household. They have many purposes, and these purposes are certainly essential in order to leave conveniently and in peace.

Just imagine a house where there’s not even a bowl for your waste. Do you think you’d be able to live happily and comfortably? Most likely not!

So again, make sure to know how to clean a bathroom by following the checklist we’ve discussed above.They will surely give you the advantage and convenience you’ll be grateful for in the long run.

Now, do you have a great tip that we can add to our bathroom cleaning checklist? If so, please let us know in the comments down below and we’ll surely get back to you as soon as possible.

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Hi there! I’m Guy, the guy behind Guy About Home (that’s a lot of guy’s). I’m just your average guy (ok, I’ll stop) living in the USA who is really interested in making and doing.

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