According to Data Bridge Market Research, the global indoor plant market will be valued at $26.23 billion by 2029. The market’s value has only risen over the past few years, showing that indoor plants are always in demand. After all, indoor plants are a beautiful addition to any home, and they can make you feel more relaxed, productive, and creative.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to the best blogger Guy About Home who offers the best garden and home improvement tips! If you are a home decor and design fan, don't miss the tips on home ideas. If you are a home garden owner, then you might be interest in our complete guides to house plants!
However, before you start decorating your house with indoor plants, there are some important things to remember.
#1 Ensure Sufficient Natural Lighting
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The first thing you should do when considering indoor plants is to ensure that the room you want to decorate has adequate natural lighting. The amount of sunlight the plant receives will determine how healthy it is.
Indoor plants need sunlight, so make sure that the room you want to decorate has enough light for the plant to thrive. If it does not, consider adding some natural lighting or transplanting your plant into a different location that does have enough light.
Some plants specifically need natural lighting to stay healthy or even alive. Take the Pink Princess Philodendron, for example, which is one of the rarest tropical plants you can find.
When caring for a Pink Princess Philodendron, you have to ensure direct sunlight. Too little sunlight can harm the growth of this beautiful potted plant. Thus, you’ll always want to ensure sufficient natural lighting, not artificial lighting, for this indoor plant.
Research published in the New Phytologist journal suggests that plants can optimize their photosynthesis depending on the light conditions. However, it’s best to exercise precaution here. Avoid keeping the plants in the dark when you can expose them to sunlight.
#2 Maintain a Schedule for Watering the Plants
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Maintaining a schedule for watering plants is very important. This will not only help you to keep your plants healthy, but it will also make them last longer, which will save you money in the long run.
The best way to do this is to water the plant when the soil feels dry on the top. You can test this by sticking your finger into the soil and feeling for dampness. If there’s no moisture at all, it’s time to water.
If you notice that your plant is starting to wilt, this may be a sign that it needs to be watered more often. If you notice that your plant has started to get mushrooms growing on it, this could be another sign that the plant needs more water.
Research conducted by the University of Nottingham suggests that plant roots can change their shape when branching out for water. However, indoor plants’ roots are restricted by their pots. Thus, unless you water them properly, they will die due to lack of it.
#3 Give the Plants Room to Grow
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When you’re decorating your home with indoor plants, it’s important to remember that plants do best when they have room to grow.
It’s easy to get sucked into the idea that you need to fill every corner of your apartment with plants. However, it’s better for them if you give them space to stretch out and grow. They’ll be healthier and happier for it.
Giving indoor plants the space to grow is one of the most important things you can do for them. If you don’t give them enough room, they’ll get stressed and stop growing.
As to how much room your indoor plants need, that depends on the type of plant. Generally speaking, if you want to keep your plant healthy, give it at least one inch of space between its leaves and whatever object is closest to it.
#4 Check for Diseases and Insect Infestations
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Before you decorate your house with indoor plants, it’s important to be sure that the plants you’ve chosen have no diseases or insect infestations.
If you’re buying from a garden center, ask for a plant inspection first. If you’re buying from a friend or family member, ask them to let you know if they’ve noticed any problems with their plants.
If you’re getting a plant from an outdoor setting, take it to the local extension office and ask them to check it out before bringing it into your home. This will help ensure that your new addition is healthy and ready for life indoors.
Regularly check for diseases and insect infestations too. You can do this by gently brushing over the leaves of each plant with your fingers. If there’s any discoloration or damage (for example, insect damage), you should remove the plant from your home and discard it immediately.
#5 Know How Many Indoor Plants are Too Many
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Some people worry that they will be overwhelmed by the number of plants in their homes. If this is the case, start small. Get one or two plants and see how it goes. If you love them, add more.
On the other hand, if you have too many plants in your house, they can start to take over. Try giving them away or moving some outside if you need to clear some space.
Remember that plants provide us with so much more than just beauty. They also improve our health.
Therefore, make sure you’re getting everything out of your indoor garden by keeping these tips in mind when decorating your house with indoor plants.