Guy About Home

Hoya Wayetii: An Easy-to-Grow Care Guide

hoya wayetii

hoya wayetii

Hoya Care Guide + Propagation | Lighting, Water, Growth, Fertilizer, Etc.

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Benefit From Caring A Hoya Wayetii

hoya wayetii

Image Source: Pinterest

Hoya wayetii is a member of the Apocynaceae or Dogbane family and the Hoya genus.  Similar to longevity spinach, much like other members of the Hoya genus, it is also known by the names Wax Plant, Porcelain Flower, or Wax Flower, because of its interesting appearance and texture.

It is a lovely tropical plant that is favored by many plant lovers for its unique beauty. If you plan on getting your own hoya wayetii, it is important to know the plant’s care requirements in order to maintain your hoya’s optimum health. Read on to know its light, soil, water, temperature, and humidity needs.

Hoya Wayetii Overview & Quick Facts

Known for its botanical name Hoya wayetii, it is also commonly called wax flower or porcelain flower. It is an evergreen vining flowering plant with wax-like flowers and foliage as its name suggests.

The plant is popular among plant lovers but where do hoya plants come from? It is a native plant of the Philippines in Southeast Asia but has now spread throughout the world, especially in the continents of Australia and Asia.

My hoya Wayetii Variegated Care Story

My hoya Wayetii Variegated Care Story
My hoya Wayetii Variegated Care Story
My hoya Wayetii Variegated Care Story
My hoya Wayetii Variegated Care Story

I got my Hoya wayetii from a local yard sale for free. The owner was only too happy to give it to me as a freebie when I bought a big pot of Hoya chelsea.

I just placed it in the living room and it was happy enough. For six months, it stayed there with little to no change except a few maroon leaves. I thought the colors were cute but it wasn’t anything remarkable.

I decided to repot it when I repotted the chelsea and put it in a terracotta pot with some well-draining soil and placed it near a huge east-facing window.

It decided to go into a growth spurt and actually sprouted vines and small fuzzy maroon hoya wayetti flowers but its foliage is my favorite – a mix of greens and maroons with a glossy finish. I am now in love with my Hoya wayetii.

hoya wayetii Care: things to know

No worries! Though you might encounter the difficulties when learning how to care such an plant as a new plant caring starter, we got the most popular plant lover quotes that can partner with you and you are going to succeed in plant care and grow.

Besides this plant, we also make a full care guide on how to care for Lemon button fern.

Is Hoya wayetii rare?

Is Hoya wayetii rare?

Image Source: Pinterest

The hoya wayetii is not rare, per se, but it is not as common as other hoya varieties and is actually a bit hard to find. Like lemon button fern, nurseries don’t often carry them on their usual stocks.

Is Hoya wayetii fast growing?

Much like some hoya varieties, the hoya wayetii is a slow grower and does not require frequent repotting. You may get away with repotting it after a few year as it prefers to be slightly root-bound to its pot.

Not confident in planting an indoor plant? Why not getting power from our inspiring indoor plants quotes?

How tall and big can Hoya wayetii grow?

The hoya wayetii’s size can actually be measured more on its length and not its height since it prefers to drop its vine rather than grow upwards. This is why it makes for an ideal hanging plant. The plant’s vines can grow to around 30 inches in length.

Does Hoya wayetii like to climb?

The hoya wayetii, with the proper support of a trellis, is a climbing plant because it is an epiphyte or air plants. However, this hoya is perfectly content with just trailing its vines and having them cascade below its base.

What does Hoya wayetii smell like?

The hoya wayetii has a faint sweet-smelling fragrance that comes from its nectar-laden clustered blooms. Its subtle scent is oftentimes compared to the aroma of butterscotch but not as overpowering.

Hoya wayeti vs Kentiana

What is the difference between Hoya wayetii and Kentiana? These two varieties of the hoya may be some of the most difficult to differentiate as even the experts have a hard time. To start, the Kentiana has slightly longer leaves than the wayetii but its easier to differentiate them when compared. The surefire way to distinguish one from the other is to look a the peduncle and pedicel, kentiana has pinkish ones while the wayetii’s are green.

Is hoya wayetii toxic?

The hoya wayetii is not essentially toxic to humans and animals, but it is still best to keep it away from kids and pets since its sap may cause irritation to some.

hoya wayetii care requirements

hoya wayetii soil

hoya wayetii

Image Source: Pinterest

Not unlike other hoyas, the hoya wayetii requires loose and well-draining soil. It does not do well when waterlogged as it may cause root rot. A potting mix with bark, coco coir, and perlite is ideal for this plant. Make sure your pot has a good drainage hole with no obstructions.

hoya wayetii water

hoya wayetii water

Image Source: Reddit

The plant itself dictates how often to water a hoya wayetii. It is a pretty low maintenance plant that does not require daily watering. Only water this plant when the top few inches of its soil is dry. However when watering it, make sure to do it thorougly but avoid letting its root sit in water for too long.

hoya wayetii light & sun

hoya wayetii sunlight

Image Source: Pinterest

The hoya wayetii loves its sunlight. Same as hoya pubicalyx , it requires around six hours of indirect bright light in order for it to thrive an performs its best. In this condition, the plant usually increases in growth and tends to produce vines and blooms.

hoya wayetii fertilizing

hoya fertilizer

Image Source: Nordfert

This plant does not really require fertilizing but if you want to encourage more foliage, a nitrogen-rich fertilizer does the trick for bigger and faster-growing leaves. If it’s flowers you want, you can supplement with a high -phosphorous fertilizer.

hoya wayetii potting & repotting

Because the hoya wayetti likes being a bit root-bound to its pot, a small pot or a pot that is a just a bit bigger than it is makes for an ideal home. It also does not need frequent repotting so rehoming it in a new pot every few years may suffice.

hoya wayetii pruning

The hoya wayetii does not usually require much pruning. Prune it only when its vines and leaves become a bit unruly or unhealthy. It is best to prune before spring to encourage new growth when it comes. Trim it below a node and remember to not remove too much or more than a third of its foliage at a time.

hoya wayetii temperature & humidity

hoya wayetii humidity

Image Source: Pinterest

This plant loves the daylight temperature during spring and summer. As a tropical plant, it thrives on a slightly warm temperature and high humidity. Long exposure to lower temperatures will cause the plant to go dormant or may even cause damage.

how to propagate hoya wayetii: hoya wayetii propagation

Hoya wayetii propagation is slightly similar to succulent bush senecio propagation in the way that the potting mix may be similar and it can be propagated through soil propagation.

Besides this plant, we also make a full care guide on how to propagate Macodes petola.

Propagating hoya wayetii in water

Water propagation is one of the easiest ways to propagate houseplants. To propagate your hoya wayetii in water, first cut a 5 to 7-inch stem from below a node of your plant. Remove the lower leaves while leaving two to three leaves on the stem. Submerge the stem in a jar of water. Remember to replace the water every few days until the cutting develops roots and can be then planted in moist soil.

Propagating hoya wayetii in soil

Same as with water propagation, cut the same length of stem below your plant’s node. Remove some of the lower leaves and dip the cutting in some rooting hormone and plant it in some loose, well-draining, but moist soil. Make sure to keep it in a place with bright, indirect light. Within a month, you will see some roots develop.

Propagating hoya wayetii from air laying

Select a long stem with plenty of nodes. Remove its excess leaves and bend it towards a small pott with some damp, well-draining soil and anchor it down. You may use a clip, stone, or any other tool to keep it firm on its place. Keep the soil damp and observe as it develops roots onto the new pot. Cut it off cleanly from the mother plant when it has developed robust roots.

hoya wayetii care problems & tips

Besides this plant, we also summarize the caring issues and concerns on the plant Majesty palm

hoya wayetii dying

hoya wayetii dying

Image Source: Todaysgardener

The hoya wayetii is fairly low maintenance and seldom has issues. However, its issues can be easily fixed when diagnosed early and responded to quickly.

hoya wayetii leaves falling

hoya wayetii falling leaves

Image Source: Reddit

If your plant’s leaves are dry and cruncy it may be an issue with humidity and low hydration. Make sure to water your plant sufficiently when its soil dries out. On the other hand, if the leaves are mushy and yellowing, then it may be a case of overwatering. You may want to lessen the times you water your plant and check if the drainage is sufficient.

hoya wayetii not enough lighting

hoya wayetii not enough light

Image Source: Pinterest

If your hoya wayetii is not getting enough bright, indirect light, it may affect its growth rate. You will observe that your hoya wayetii will experience slower growth of foliage and it may not even produce flowers.

hoya wayetii overwatering

hoya underwatering

Image Source: Reddit

Overwatering your hoya wayetii is more damaging than underwatering it. This can cause for your plant’s roots to get damaged or even rot. Make sure to water your plant only when its soil is dry and check if it is getting proper draining.

hoya wayetii pests

fungus gnats hoya wayetii

Image Source: Pinterest

The common pests for these plants are fungus gnats and mealybugs. Fungus gnats can be avoided by not not overwatering, while mealybugs cam be treated with a good water spray or some neem oil.

hoya wayetii disease

hoya wayetii disease

Image Source: Reddit

Hoya wayetii are prone to fungal diseases if you overwater it or if there is not enough air flow for the plant. This can be avoided if you plant your hoya wayetii in loose and well-draining soil, preferably with perlit and coco coir. If your plant is infected, a good fungicide may remedy the problem.

How much does hoya wayetii cost?

The hoya wayetii price ranges from around $10 to an average of $15 to $20 for average sizes. However, some sell it for over $110 depending on its size, condition, and potting situation.

Where to buy hoya wayetii

There are numerous plant nursery websites that sell the hoya wayetii, like My Home Nature, Pistils Nursery, Planterina, and even some shops in Etsy and Amazon. It’s only a matter of choosing which shop is best for your needs.

hoya wayetii: final thought

The hoya wayetii is a charming addition to any garden and collection. Just as hoya curtis,iIt is low maintenance and only needs some bright, indirect light, well-draining, soil, and a warm and humid environment to thrive and bloom. Give it what it needs and it will give you the riches foliage and the most sweet-smelling blooms to adorn your home.

For more step-by-step ideas, diy tips and guides, kindly visit the website providing the best garden & home improvement tips.

Hi there! I’m Guy, the guy behind Guy About Home (that’s a lot of guy’s). I’m just your average guy (ok, I’ll stop) living in the USA who is really interested in making and doing.

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