Guy About Home

Why Are Area Rugs Better Decor Element Than Wall-to-wall Carpets?

rugs for floor

rugs for floor

An area rug is a piece of fabric that covers only a part of the floor, while a carpet is a wall-to-wall fabric that covers the entire room. Rugs can be layered on top of carpets and are lightweight and portable. Carpets are heavier; decorating a room with them is more complicated and requires planning to adjust them properly.

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If you’re currently renovating your house and struggling to choose a rug or a carpet for your floors, read this article to find out why area rugs are a better design solution. We’ve decided to help you and tell you about the main differences between carpets and rugs and why you should opt for the latter.

You Can Give A Boost Of Colors

Carpets can be plain, boring, and simple, especially if they have neutral colors. To brighten up the room and add a bit of color, consider introducing a colored rug. With such a rug, you can boost the colors in your room and make the neutral room look appealing.

Furthermore, if the room lacks excitement, add a bunch of pillows with the color scheme of the rug area to complement the style. Aloha rugs, for example, are a bundle of joy. By placing such a rug, you can add bold graphics, contrasting typography, and a fashionable flair to your room.



Area rugs are more convenient and versatile compared to wall-to-wall carpets. You can move them from one room to another, replace the ones you don’t like with brand-new rugs, or place them at a different angle. It will give the room a different feeling and flow.

Also, the rugs are easier to install since it only requires moving the furniture around and finding the right spot for the rug. Wall-to-wall carpets require extensive installment because you’ll need to move out all the furniture to install the carpet.

Rugs Add Room Segmentation

Rugs Add Room Segmentation

Image Source: Pinterest

Placing multiple rugs in various rooms allows you to add segmentation and separate the areas. Especially if you have large rooms and open floor plans, an area rug can tie the furniture pieces together and accent the rest of the place.

At the same time, a rug ties the room together. The color schemes, design patterns, furniture, and other decorative elements make the room look cohesive and connected. The transforming power of rugs is in tying and complementing these elements together.

Rugs Add Dampening Effect

Rugs Add Dampening Effect

Image Source: Pinterest

Rugs reduce the noise level in the home and have a dampening effect. The noises mainly come from the vibrations when walking on the floor. The rug will absorb those noises, so the neighbors won’t complain (in case you live in an apartment).

Rugs also make reading, studying, and relaxing easier since there won’t be so many sounds as family members walk from one room to another.

Rugs Provide Floor Protection

The rugs protect the floors from damage caused by sharp objects, pet claws, or furniture. Every time you move the furniture around, the floor gets scratched, which can be a major concern. Area rugs will increase safety and protect the floors from any undesired scratching.

Highlight Your Style

Highlight Your Style

Image Source: Pinterest

We’ve mentioned this earlier; wall-to-wall carpets are mostly dull. Rugs, on the contrary, are a pure canvas for making art. You can highlight your style and preferences by choosing the rug, whether it’s a bold and heavily-patterned rug or one that boasts typography and whimsical elements.

An exciting and appealing rug creates a bold and stylish room. You can even hang some rugs on the walls as artwork. And change the entire room’s energy and look.

Takes Up Less Space

A cozy, wall-to-wall carpet can also provide comfort. But why would you cover the entire floor where you’ve installed tiles or hardwood? It would be a waste of money to cover up such floors and end up with a flaring look.

But, if you want to add a sense of comfort and still add a floor covering to a certain length, adding a comfy rug, it’s the right choice. It takes less space, it’s softer, warmer, and doesn’t cover the entire floor.

Buy Your Rug Now!

Modern times require modern solutions. Most people prefer installing hardwood and tile floors, which leaves a lot of space to decorate the rooms with rugs. You don’t need to struggle to choose a different carpet that will take a lot of time to install; instead, you can experiment with various rugs and choose the one that fits your style.

So, get the wallet and head to the nearest store to explore the different types of rugs for your home.

Hi there! I’m Guy, the guy behind Guy About Home (that’s a lot of guy’s). I’m just your average guy (ok, I’ll stop) living in the USA who is really interested in making and doing.

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